
Windy Weekend on Tap!

10:00am Saturday Update - 10/28/2006
The wind event seemed to have flown by early this morning, and with clearing of the rain, the wind vacated too! Not to say there is not wind out there...many meters still reporting low to mid 20s, but the upper 20/30+mph forecast for today left the area quickly. However, reports of nice wave conditions have been filtering in therefore, the setup could still be near epic with 5.3m conditions and sizable surf! We shall see...

Looks like the forecast models are coming into alignment for a strong wind event over the OBX this coming weekend! Strong SW, WSW, NW, and WNW forecast all weekend in the mid to upper 20s! May be an epic weekend if the rains hold off during the day and the swell is up! Water temps should be warm pushing 70 deg in the ocean; however, for the soundside crew, break out the booties! In the sounds, the water is COLD!

Stay tuned for reports and photos to come! Also, if you can make it down here for a windsurfing weekend trip, check into RideHatteras to find out where the local wave sailing crew is to be found. Though, I can pretty well predict where we will be:
SW - Boiler, Salvo Ramp, maybe Ego Beach;
NW - Boiler, Salvo Ramp;
NE - North end Ocracoke, Hatteras Inlet;
W - The Cove, Airport Beach Ocracoke

Not sure where these spots are, check the WindMap.

Maybe we'll see you there!